Author: Ben

  • Original Sales Brochures of Bom Sucesso Resort in English, German, and Portuguese

    At the beginning of Bom Sucesso Resort, the developer, Acordo, created several sales brochures to showcase and promote the project. These brochures vary slightly, depending on when they were printed, and they offer a fascinating look at how the vision of the resort evolved over time.

    Thanks to Darren, Andre, Usha, Matthew and Erich, first homeowners at Bom Sucesso, we’ve been able to scan and archive a few of these brochures. The originals are beautiful, large A3 prints with high-quality materials. I’ve done my best to organize them in the order I believe they were released.

    If you have other brochures, especially in languages we don’t have yet, please let me know! I’d love to archive them for the community.

    If you only have time to check out one, I recommend Brochure V3 here. It’s one of the latest versions and gives an excellent overview of the original vision for Bom Sucesso Resort.

    1. Sales Brochure V1

    Format: A3 Horizontal, 12 pages

    This appears to be the first version, as the resort map includes buildings that were never constructed. It looks like an early draft of the project.

    • See the English version here

    2. Sales Brochure V2

    Format: A3 Vertical, 28 pages

    This version still features the old Bom Sucesso logo. It introduces “Phase 3” on the resort map.

    • See the English version here

    3. Sales Brochure V3

    Format: A3 Vertical, 28 pages

    This version uses the updated logo, with an elegant transparent print on the cover. We’ve found this brochure in three languages:

    • See the English version here
    • See the Portuguese version here
    • See the German version here 

    The German version features a house by Siza Vieira on the first pages, which wasn’t built. The Brochure might have been created later to promote sales of this model.

    4. Sales Brochure for Bom Sucesso Golf Course

    Format: A4 Horizontal, 30 pages

    This brochure focuses on promoting the golf course.

    • See the Portuguese version here

    5. Sales House One-Pager

    Format: A4

    Salespeople provided potential clients with one-page Sales Sheet showcasing individual houses. These flyers highlighted specific designs and features of the homes and shows the floor plan on the back. Here are a few we’ve managed to archive so far:

    Lots starting with 100:

    • Lot 100 – Eduardo Souto Moura, English here
    • Lot 113 – Eduardo Souto Moura, English here
    • Lot 125 – Manuel Aires Mateus,English here
    • Lot 126 – Ines Lobos, English here
    • Lot 127 – Madalena Cardoso de Menezes Francisco Teixeira Bastos, English here
    • Lot 145 – Manuel Aires Mateus, English here
    • Lot 152 – Nuno Graça Moura, English here
    • Lot 158 – Nuno Graça Moura, Portuguese here
    • Lot 199 – Carrilho da Graca German here

    Lots starting with 200

    • Lot 210 – Gonçalo Byrne, English here
    • Lot 215 – Madalena Cardoso de Menezes Francisco Teixeira Bastos, English here
    • Lot 217 – Goncalo Bryna, German here
    • Lot 218 – Goncalo Byrne, German here
    • Lot 228 – Alvaro Siza, German here
    • Lot 240 – Alcino Soutinho, Portuguese here
    • Lot 267 – Gonçalo Byrne, Portuguese here
    • Lot 277 – Alvaro Leite Siza, German here
    • Lot 289 – Carlos Prata Portugues, Portuguese here
    • Lot 287 – Falcão de Campos, Portuguese here

    Lots starting with 300

    • Lot 319 – Madalena Cardoso de Menezes Francisco Teixeira Bastos, English here
    • Lot 329 – David Chipperfield, Germany here
    • Lot 333 – Manuel Graca Dias Egas Vieram, German here

    These brochures are a valuable piece of Bom Sucesso’s history, and it’s exciting to preserve and share them with the community. If you have any additional brochures or insights about their history, please reach out—I’d love to expand this archive!

    Thank you! Ben

    If you’re interested in more publications about Bom Sucesso, check out this blog post here.

  • Happy 20th Birthday, Bom Sucesso Resort!

    Twenty years ago, the Bom Sucesso Resort (BSR) project was shown to the public for the first time at an event in the Centro Cultural de Belém (Lisbon). After the event, there was a multi-day exhibition showing models of the houses in Phase One. A catalog called “14 Arquitectos: Projectos do Bom Sucesso Resort” was also published.

    (Catalog which is the first publication of Bom Sucesso can be downloaded here

    At that time, the project’s promoter said it took 12 years to get the legal approval for the development. Bom Sucesso Resort was advertised as the largest exhibition of contemporary architecture, which is true. But some other promises were not kept. For example, they said BSR would become “the top reference in Europe for luxury real estate developments” and that the project would be finished in five years. 

    Special about Bom Sucesso is the modern lifestyle and the wonderful international community. We hope that one day the project will be completed as the amazing architectural icon it was meant to be.

    You can read the 20-year-old article from Público here in Portuguese. 

    It is great to live with you at Bom Sucesso, Happy Birthday!


  • Bom Sucesso Architecture Books

    Nestled along the serene landscapes of Portugal, Bom Sucesso Resort stands as a testament to innovative architectural design and breathtaking beauty. As an avid enthusiast of architectural literature, I searched for publications documenting the resort architecture. Here what I found so far.

    Sales Publications

    The journey into Bom Sucesso’s architectural realm begins with its sales publications.

    1. Sales Brochure

    The sales brochure, adorned in oversized red, introduces the visionaries behind the resort. They meticulously list every architect involved and a comprehensive overview of the project, complete with pictures of house models and detailed maps outlining the expansive phases of development. Available in Portuguese, English, and German.

    You have to look inside, great overview of the vision.

    • See the English version here
    • See the Portuguese version here
    • See the German version here 

    Edit: See latest Blogpost about all sales Brochure here.

    2. Sales Book; 14 Arquitectos Projectos Do Bom Sucesso Resort Book

    In December 2004, the Bom Sucesso Resort project was introduced at the Centro Cultural de Belém (CCB) in Lisbon (see here). An exhibition titled “14 Arquitectos Projectos Do Bom Sucesso Resort” showcased the 14 architects’ work. While details about the exhibition are scarce, a book with the same title provides a comprehensive overview of the architects and their contributions to the resort’s first phase. Have you had a chance to visit the exhibition or explore the book? It was handed out to the first owners.

    • See scan of the book here.

    3. Sales Video

    In addition to books, I want to share something interesting about Bom Sucesso Resort: a sales DVD. This video was made to show the resort’s vision to potential investors and visitors. It offers visuals and commentary in 12 min overview (the speed of the video feels so slow).

    Architectural Publications

    Numerous publications delve into the works of architects, spotlighting their contributions to the architectural landscape of Bom Sucesso.

    4. Alvaro Siza Design Process, Quinta do Bom Sucesso Housing Project, 2013

    Delving into the meticulous design process of one of Bom Sucesso’s villas, this book offers a fascinating glimpse into the creative journey of renowned architect Alvaro Siza. From initial sketches to the final touches, each stage of the design evolution is meticulously documented, providing invaluable insights into Siza’s architectural genius.

    Book here

    ISBN: 978-989-8481-29-0

    Below Image: Architects’ First Meeting at Bom Sucesso Resort, from the book above.

    5. Souto de Moura, El Croquis, 2009

    Esteemed architect Souto de Moura’s contributions to Bom Sucesso are immortalized in this comprehensive publication. With detailed analyses of four villa types and the hotel, accompanied by insightful sketches, this book offers a view into Moura’s architectural vision and creative process.

    The book is hard to get, an traded for more than 100 Euro (here).

    Digital version for 14 Euros here.

    Sketch from Eduardo Souto de Moura, which are in the book are published as well as pdf here.

    ISBN: 9788488386557

    6. Alcino Soutinho, Arche News 14, 2009

    This edition of Arche News celebrates the architectural prowess of Alcino Soutinho, offering a nuanced exploration of his contributions to Bom Sucesso Resort. It discribes one house in phase one. Through captivating narratives and stunning visuals, readers gain a deeper understanding of Soutinho’s unique design philosophy.

    Find publication here.

    ISBN 5601073067485

    7. Carrilho da Graca, Architectural Guide, 2019

    Providing a comprehensive overview of Carrilho da Graca’s architectural oeuvre, this guide offers intriguing insights into his vision for Bom Sucesso.

    Fun Fact: Did you know that the architect originally envisioned the houses at Bom Sucesso Resort to be white, contrary to the striking red hue they boast today?

    Find book here.

    ISBN: 9789899846296

    8. Gonçalo Byrne, A Casa de Quem Faz as Casas, 2016

    In this captivating exploration of Gonçalo Byrne’s architectural journey, readers are treated to a visual of one of the unfinished sub-condominium at Bom Sucesso, known as “The Fingers.”

    Book here.

    ISBN: 9789898851048

    9. Manuel Aires Mateus El Croquis & L’architettura di Aires Mateus

    The project by Manuel Aires Mateus at Bom Sucesso can be found in these publications: Architectural Guide Aires Mateus (ISBN 9789895440139),El Croquis: Aires Mateus 2002 2018 (ISBN 9788494775437) and an Italian publication, L’architettura di Aires Mateus (ISBN 9788837078102).

    10. Graça Dias & Egas Vieira

    The Round Houses at Bom Sucesso Resort, designed by Graça Dias and Egas Vieira, are featured in the Arquitectos Portugueses Série 2 edition ISBN is 9789898657480, and in the book collection A Casa de Quem Faz as Casas as number 6 about Manuel Graça Dias ISBN: 9789898851017, This publications include detailed photographs, models, and sketches, providing an in-depth look at the architectural design.



    I’m Ben; my family moved to Bom Sucesso in 2022. I’m passionate about modern architecture and fostering community. My vision is a vibrant Bom Sucesso evolving into a globally recognized landmark for modern architectural design.

  • Analysis of Bom Sucesso Resort’s Development Jan 2024

    A comprehensive analysis and personal perspective by Ben. This is not the opinion of all Fellow Owners but should motivate discussions.


    In my analysis of Bom Sucesso Resort’s development, focusing on Villas, I challenge the reported completion of 402 out of 600 buildings by early 2024. In conclusion, I stress the need for stakeholders to focus on completing the entire resort, urging administrative responsibility and an inquiry into major plot owners’ intentions.

    Disclaimer: The information contained is to the best of my knowledge at the date, and I’m happy to correct any typo or error.


    According to the condominium administration, 402 out of 600 buildings within the Bom Sucesso Resort have been completed by the beginning of 2024. However, strolling through the resort feels less than 66% is done. And I’m questioning if BSR management and major stakeholders intend to finish BSR.

    > Can we anticipate completing the remaining 200 buildings within the next ten years, given that it took 20 years to construct the initial 400 buildings?

    Twenty years ago, in 2004, Bom Sucesso Resort was first presented to the public (article here), and in 2006, when they announced the second phase, they aimed to finish construction by 2011 (article here).

    The resort faced challenging times by being bankrupt in 2014 (article here); at that time, Maria da Graça Meireles from BS Villas, who was responsible for the BSR Condominium administration, said about the resort: “Now it’s not even about completing it, but about saving it’.” I want to learn from the current management led by Eduardo Montenegro if this is still the case or if they feel responsible for finishing the resort.

    Edit: In 2015 when the Onebiz Group took over BS Villas, the CEO Pedro Portugal said: “I think that within two or three years the project will be practically finished”. (Article here)

    Good news: In the last two years, I have witnessed the resort gaining momentum with a growing community and progressing toward completion. But can we see this in numbers? The turn of the year was an excellent time to take a snapshot of Bom Sucesso Resort’s development.

    Analysis January 2024 

    I compiled this dataset independently, personally counting houses, assessing development status, and interpreting the data. This data set will be more meaningful, comparing it over the coming years. Despite my inquiry, the condominium could not provide me with any data for this assessment.

    My primary focus is on the villas at Bom Sucesso, but I’ll briefly touch on other projects. Notably, long-standing issues with “The Three Large Ruins” have remained in this state for a decade.


    Subcondominiums are predominantly row houses sharing a garden and pool at Bom Sucesso, with 15 at BSR (by counting the plot numbers). One, Caminho do Lago 13-21, Lot 234, remains unbuilt. Two are stopped, and I think they strongly impact BSR’s reputation:

    1. Lot 288 on Rua Bela 7-55 is owned by Abanca Bank.
    2. Lot 313 on Rua da Lagoa 28-58, “The Fingers,” is owned by Sintonizavalor soc imobiliaria lda

    Commercial Buildings

    Initially planned for Hilton with 120 beds, the hotel faced a construction halt in 2014. Owned by Roberto Solis SA (BS Villas) today, the completion status of this hotel significantly influences other investors’ decisions. Furthermore, a functioning hotel is imperative for Bom Sucesso to call itself a resort.

    Let’s focus on Villas at Bom Sucesso for this analysis in January 2024. 

    Out of the initially planned 326 villas at Bom Sucesso Resort, the current status reveals that only 159 have been completed (49%), while 138 villa plots are empty (42%). 

    Sixteen villas (5%) are currently under construction. With the hopeful completion this year, the development progress would surpass 50%. 

    Thirteen villas (4%) are in a construction suspension/“ruins.”

    Comparing this year’s data with data published by the press teen years ago, when BSR went bankrupt, it reveals progress: The press reported at that time (here) that 350 buildings were built, and 80 houses were under construction, but many of them were being stopped.

    Since the historical data does not focus on just villas, we need to compare it to the 402 Buildings reported as finished by the administration. It shows progress; luckily, we no longer have so many ruins. However, the progress does not show enough speed to finish the other 200 buildings in the next ten years.

    Edit: An academic study (here), based on official data from the city of Obidos, reported 338 finished houses in 2014. This shows only 64 buildings have been completed in the last ten years. When the development continues at this speed, it will take 30 more years to complete the resort.

    Plot ownership

    Abanca Bank is the leading owner of 37 undeveloped villa plots and owns one stopped villa project. (They have 11% of the condominium votes)

    The second largest landowner is “Sintonizavalor soc imobiliaria lda” with 28 undeveloped plots, three stopped, and only one finished Villa. One project was in progress, but it has been months since I have seen activities, so I categorized it as stopped.

    Intriguingly, these two major players own 47% of all empty plots, including premium locations designed by top architects like David Cahperfiled, Álvaro Leite Siza, and Manuel Aires Mateus. Since they don’t own finished villa projects (except one), I could not find their plots listed on public real estate platforms like Idealista. The question arises: What are their intentions for these plots? Are they strategically holding them back? 

    A notable actor driving progress is the company named Round B, which is actively finalizing the construction of three red houses at the lake. Additionally, they have acquired a few more properties to complete existing structures and initiate new buildings from scratch. 

    Some private owners are finishing villas, which I do not list here.

    Over the last two years, the City of Óbidos has sold six plots. Only two plots remain under their ownership, showcasing a significant shift in the city’s property portfolio at BSR. 

    The BBVA Bank currently holds seven plots. They intend to exit the BSR market. In mid-January, they tried to sell all plots via action, starting at 85k Euro, but none got sold. (Action here)

    Real Estate Market

    I took an interest in taking a snapshot of the number of villas and plots offered on the real estate market (while I’m not monitoring house prices). As of early January 2024, the data on Idaialista reveals a dynamic landscape:

    • Finished Villas: 28 units (18%) are currently listed for sale.
    • Empty Plots: 41 plots (30%) are available for prospective buyers.
    • Stopped Projects: 4 projects (31%) are on the market. Some are available in their current state, while others are offered the option of services to complete their construction.

    In addition to the villa offerings, the market provided ten Sub-Condominium Units and one commercial property for sale.


    Focus on the Big Picture:

    As stakeholders of Bom Sucesso Resort, we should focus on the grand vision of completing the entire resort. We must transition into a scale mode by finding like-minded investments to ensure sustained growth. This venture can only succeed if we grow it to its full potential. 

    Administrative Responsibility:

    Get the commitment from the Bom Sucesso management, led by Eduardo Montenegro, to complete the resort. And to establish the foundational conditions for fostering growth. 

    Hotel and Sub-Condominium Status:

    Hold the BSR administration accountable for promoting the completion of “The Three Big Ruins”, and requesting reports about the status on a quarterly base. 

    Major Plot Owners’ Intentions:

    Inquiring into the intentions of major land owners, such as Abanca Bank and Sintonizavalor soc imobiliaria lda, becomes paramount. Owning a significant percentage of empty plots, their strategies can significantly impact the future development and market dynamics at Bom Sucesso Resort.



    My name is Ben; I moved to Bom Sucesso in 2022 with my family. I love modern architecture and bringing people together. I envision a vibrant Bom Sucesso Community evolving into a picturesque village where every house is impeccably completed, gaining global recognition as a contemporary architecture landmark.