December 12th, 2024: Local Newspaper Gazeta das Caldas Reports on Bom Sucesso Resort, please read original article here.
The article highlights the Óbidos Council’s €143,000 debt in unpaid condominium fees for eight plots it owned at Bom Sucesso Resort. These plots were sold through a judicial process, but the debt remains unresolved. Residents raised concerns at a public meeting about the debt, the improper registration of common areas (e.g., the pool, reception, and gatehouse) as individual plots eligible for sale, and inadequate waste management.
Regarding waste management, residents noted that waste containers originally installed in the resort were left unemptied for years and replaced with traditional outdoor containers, which often topple over due to local weather conditions, harming the resort’s aesthetics and hygiene.
The meeting also addressed the reception of the infrastructures, and the group is now awaiting an updated inspection report to provide a clearer overview of the current situation.
Mayor Filipe Daniel assured residents that the council is addressing the debt and collaborating with condominium managers. He also mentioned a separate debt owed to the municipality for unpaid water bills. Efforts are underway to resolve these issues and finalize the resort’s acceptance process, which began in 2008. Additionally, the council is negotiating with Abanca bank to transfer ownership of common areas, but this will require changes to the site’s zoning and development plan.
Volunteers from Fellow Owners attended the public meeting of the Óbidos City Council to clarify what prevents the municipality from paying the condominium debt of €143,000. It became clear that the payment of this debt is not related to the final reception of the infrastructures, which is the responsibility of the Developer, who allegedly owes debts to the City Council.
Since these are three distinct entities, we are convinced that the municipality will honor the payment of its debt to the condominium and will address the collection of the alleged water debt from the Developer, a matter to which the owners are completely unrelated.